
To use Microsoft Service Wrapper in a project you first need to instantiate an application instance from msal lib like the example below

import msal

credentials = {
    "authority": "<YOUR_AUTHORITY_URL>",
    "client_id": "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>",
    "client_credential": "<YOUR_CLIENT_CREDENTIAL>"

app = msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(**credentials)

Now you just need to pick the service you want and start to use the API

# MS GRAPH example
from microsoft_service_wrapper.ms_graph.client import MsGraphClient

graph_client = MsGraphClient(app)

# Add user to security group
graph_client.add_users_to_group(<group_name>, [<user_principal_names>])

# Remove user from security group
graph_client.remove_users_from_group(<group_name>, [<user_principal_names>])